Price Range
Product categories +
Product Color +
- 1 Amp Black - Asphalt
- 1 Amp Fiery Red - Metallic Silver
- 2 Anthem
- 1 Architek Redrock Karbon
- 1 Arsenal Dune
- 1 Arsenal Gray
- 1 Ascent Asphalt
- 1 Ascent Asphalt - Strike Orange
- 1 Ascent Black - Asphalt
- 1 Ascent Monument Gray
- 1 Ascent Striking Petrol
- 1 Ascent Vivid Blue
- 24 Asphalt
- 10 Asphalt - Black
- 1 Asphalt - Castlerock Gray
- 4 Asphalt - Crystal Blue
- 1 Asphalt - Deep Lagoon
- 7 Asphalt - Electric Blue Lemonade
- 1 Asphalt - Fiery Red
- 2 Asphalt - Heliotrope
- 37 Asphalt - Hi-Vis
- 2 Asphalt - Hi-Vis (Non-Current)
- 2 Asphalt - High Risk Red
- 4 Asphalt - Knockout Pink
- 2 Asphalt - Monument
- 1 Asphalt - Punch Pink
- 2 Asphalt - Redrock
- 1 Asphalt - Slate Gray
- 9 Asphalt - Strike Orange
- 1 Asphalt Heather
- 1 Backpack Asphalt
- 1 Backpack Petrol - Strike Orange
- 1 Backpack Potter's Clay
- 159 Black
- 37 Black - Asphalt
- 1 Black - Black
- 1 Black - Carbon Fiber
- 13 Black - Castlerock
- 1 Black - Chili Pepper
- 5 Black - Cosmic
- 2 Black - Crystal Blue
- 6 Black - Electric Blue Lemonade
- 13 Black - Fiery Red
- 1 Black - Golden Brown
- 2 Black - Heliotrope
- 19 Black - Hi-Vis
- 3 Black - High Risk Red
- 1 Black - High-rise
- 2 Black - Imperial Blue
- 5 Black - Kinetik Blue
- 9 Black - Knockout Pink
- 2 Black - Metallic Black
- 2 Black - Metallic Gold
- 5 Black - Monument
- 2 Black - Monument Gray
- 4 Black - Purple Smoke
- 4 Black - Rose Gold
- 1 Black - Russet Orange
- 11 Black - Strike Orange
- 1 Black - Vibrant Yellow
- 5 Black - White
- 13 Black - Wintermint
- 3 Black - Wisteria
- 1 Black - Yellow
- 2 Black (Non-Current)
- 2 Black Heather
- 1 Blaze - Limited Edition
- 6 Blue
- 1 Blue Danube - Dress Blues
- 3 Blue Fusion
- 1 Blue Fusion - Biking Red
- 1 Blue Fusion - Dress Blues
- 1 Blue Hi Vis
- 4 Bonfire
- 2 Bronze Green
- 1 Bronze Green - Asphalt
- 2 Bronze Green - Hi-Vis
- 1 Bronze Green - Moss Stone
- 1 Brown
- 3 Brown Duck
- 1 Burnt Ochre
- 7 Burnt Olive
- 1 Burnt Olive - Potter's Clay
- 1 Burnt Olive - Redrock (Non-Current)
- 1 Cabernet - Lavender Heist
- 2 Cabernet - Red Orange
- 2 Camo
- 1 Camo - Hi-VIs
- 1 Camo Clutch
- 1 Carbon Matte Black
- 4 Castlerock
- 1 Castlerock - Asphalt
- 1 Castlerock - Black
- 3 Castlerock - Crystal Blue
- 1 Castlerock - Electric Blue Lemonade
- 1 Castlerock - Fiery Red
- 8 Castlerock - Hi-Vis
- 1 Castlerock - High-rise
- 1 Castlerock - Petrol
- 3 Castlerock - Strike Orange
- 3 Castlerock Gray
- 2 Castlerock Gray - Asphalt
- 3 Castlerock Gray - Black
- 2 Castlerock Gray - Electrik Gecko
- 2 Castlerock Gray - Knockout Pink
- 1 Castlerock Gray - Titanium Blue
- 2 Castlerock Heather
- 1 Charcoal - Gray
- 1 Charcoal - Mint
- 3 Charger Gray
- 3 Charger Hi-Vis
- 3 Charger Peyote
- 1 Chili Pepper - Asphalt
- 4 Chili Pepper - Black
- 1 Chili Pepper - Castlerock Gray
- 2 Chili Pepper - Crystal Blue
- 1 Chili Pepper - Dress Blues
- 1 Chin Curtain Black
- 1 Chin Vent Housing & Grids Black
- 1 Chocolate Brown
- 2 Classic Red - Black
- 1 Classic Red - Dress Blues
- 1 Classic Red - Imperial Blue
- 1 Clear
- 3 Cobalt
- 9 Concealment
- 29 Cool Gray
- 1 Cool Gray - Electric Blue Lemonade
- 2 Cool Gray - Redrock
- 2 Corrosion June Bug
- 1 Corrosion Strike Orange
- 1 Corrosion Warm Gray
- 1 Crystal Blue - Castlerock
- 4 Crystal Blue - Knockout Pink
- 6 Dark Gray
- 2 Dark Sea
- 7 Dark Sea - Black
- 1 Dark Sea - Golden Brown
- 2 Dark Sea - Monument
- 4 Deep Lagoon
- 2 Deep Lagoon - Asphalt
- 5 Deep Lagoon - Electric Green
- 1 Deep Lagoon - Golden Brown
- 1 Deep Lagoon - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Denim - Black
- 2 Denim - Dark Blue
- 1 Denim - Light Blue
- 2 Denim - Stealth Blue
- 1 Desert Sand
- 1 Dimension Black
- 1 Dimension Golden Brown
- 1 Dimension Moab
- 1 Dimension Petrol
- 1 Dimension Redrock
- 1 Dimension Vivid Gray
- 1 DNA Electric Blue Lemonade - White
- 1 DNA Fiery Red - Monument Gray
- 1 Dress Blue - Blue Danube
- 6 Dress Blue - Electric Blue Lemonade
- 5 Dress Blues
- 1 Dress Blues - Asphalt
- 3 Dress Blues - Golden Brown
- 3 Dress Blues - Imperial Blue
- 1 Dress Blues - Mazarine Blue
- 3 Dress Blues - Mock Orange
- 1 Dress Blues - Petrol
- 2 Dress Blues Heather
- 2 Dusty Blue - Deep Lagoon
- 2 Electric Blue
- 2 Electric Blue Lemonade
- 3 Electric Blue Lemonade - Asphalt
- 8 Electric Blue Lemonade - Black
- 1 Electric Blue Lemonade - Castlerock
- 1 Electric Blue Lemonade - Monument Gray
- 3 Electric Blue Lemonade - White
- 1 Electric Green - Deep Lagoon
- 1 Electrik Gecko
- 3 Element Black
- 1 Elevate Black - Asphalt
- 1 Elevate Black - Knockout Pink
- 1 Elevate Fiery Red - Black
- 1 Ensign Blue
- 1 Face Shield Clear
- 1 Face Shield Dark Smoke
- 1 Face Shield Silver Mirror
- 7 Fiery Red - Black
- 6 Fiery Red - Dress Blues
- 3 Fiery Red - Hi-Vis
- 1 Fiery Red - Imperial Blue
- 1 for Krios Black
- 1 Forest Ridge
- 1 Fuchia Frost - Dress Blues
- 1 Fuchia Frost - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Gear Tech
- 1 Ghosted Camo
- 1 Gloss Karbon Black
- 1 Gloss Silver
- 2 Gloss White
- 2 Golden Brown
- 9 Golden Brown - Dress Blues
- 1 Golden Brown - Mock Orange
- 2 Golden Poppy
- 2 Golden Poppy - Papyrus
- 12 Grey
- 2 Gray - Electrik Gecko
- 1 Gray - Hi-Vis
- 3 Gray (Non-Current)
- 1 Gray Frost - Black
- 1 Gray Frost - Dark Sea
- 1 Green
- 2 Gunmetal Black
- 3 Heathered Charcoal
- 1 Heathered Charcoal - Golden Brown
- 1 Heathered Charcoal - Hi-Vis
- 1 Heathered Charcoal - Imperial Blue
- 1 Heathered Charcoal - Lavender Heist
- 2 Heathered Charcoal - Monument
- 1 Heathered Charcoal - White
- 2 Heathered Gray
- 1 Heathered Gray - Black
- 1 Heathered Gray - Cabernet
- 1 Heathered Gray - Dress Blues
- 1 Heathered Gray - Golden Brown
- 5 Heathered Gray - Hi-Vis
- 1 Heathered Gray - Imperial Blue
- 1 Heathered Gray - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Heathered Neptune - Golden Brown
- 1 Heathered Teal - Dress Blues
- 1 Heathered Teal - Electric Green
- 2 Heliotrope
- 1 Heliotrope - Asphalt
- 1 Heliotrope - Knockout Pink
- 2 Heliotrope - Lavender Heist
- 1 Heliotrope - Metallic Black
- 2 Heritage
- 11 Hi-Vis
- 1 Hi-Vis - Asphalt
- 1 Hi-Vis - Monument Gray
- 1 Hi-Vis - Winter Moss
- 3 High Risk Red
- 4 High Risk Red - Asphalt
- 3 High Risk Red - Black
- 1 High Risk Red - Castlerock Gray
- 1 High-rise
- 1 High-rise - Asphalt
- 1 High-rise - White
- 1 Ice Blue
- 1 Icon Black - Wintermint
- 1 Icon Petrol - Black
- 1 Icon White - Monument Gray
- 1 Imperial Blue
- 1 Imperial Blue - Black
- 12 Imperial Blue - Dress Blues
- 1 Imperial Blue - Monument
- 2 Imperial Blue - Peyote
- 4 Indigo
- 1 June Bug
- 3 Knockout Pink
- 3 Knockout Pink - Asphalt
- 2 Knockout Pink - Castlerock Gray
- 4 Knockout Pink - Hi-Vis
- 3 Kombu Green - Black
- 1 Kombu Green - Castlerock Gray
- 1 Lavender Heist - Asphalt
- 3 Lavender Heist - Cabernet
- 1 Lavender Heist - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Lavender Heist - Shadow Purple
- 2 Lead Gray
- 1 Legion Electric Blue Lemonade
- 1 Legion Hi-Vis
- 1 Light Blue
- 1 Light Gray
- 1 Light Gray Camo (Non-Current)
- 1 Lightning Hi-Vis
- 1 Lightning Peyote
- 1 Lightning White
- 2 Lime
- 1 M Black
- 2 Malbec
- 1 Malbec - Castlerock Gray
- 1 Maroon Frost - Dress Blues
- 1 Maroon Frost - Fiery Red
- 1 Maroon Frost - Imperial Blue
- 1 Maroon Frost - Monument
- 4 Maroon Frost - Red Orange
- 5 Matte Black
- 3 Mazarine Blue
- 8 Mazarine Blue - Dress Blues
- 1 Mazarine Blue - Papyrus
- 1 MD 20 MM Black
- 1 Mekka Kinetik Blue
- 1 Military Green - High Risk Red
- 2 Military Green Frost - Black
- 2 Military Green Frost - Dark Sea
- 1 Military Green Frost - Russet Orange
- 2 Mock Orange
- 1 Mock Orange - Asphalt
- 1 Mock Orange - Dress Blues
- 3 Montana Tan
- 6 Monument
- 5 Monument - Asphalt
- 5 Monument - Black
- 1 Monument - Crystal Blue
- 1 Monument - Golden Brown
- 2 Monument - Hi-Vis
- 1 Monument - Mazarine Blue
- 1 Monument - Petrol
- 20 Monument Gray
- 1 Monument Gray - Asphalt
- 1 Monument Gray - Black
- 1 Monument Gray - Cool Gray
- 2 Monument Gray - Crystal Blue
- 3 Monument Gray - Petrol
- 2 Monument Gray - Redrock
- 2 Monument Gray - Wintermint
- 2 Monument Heather
- 1 Moonstruck - Bronze Green
- 1 Moonstruck - Castlerock
- 3 Moss Stone - Bronze Green
- 2 Multicam
- 2 Multicam Nomex
- 1 Natural - Potter's Clay
- 1 Navajo
- 3 Navy
- 6 Navy Blue
- 1 Navy Blue - Cool Gray
- 4 Navy Blue - Monument Gray
- 1 Navy Blue - Redrock (Non-Current)
- 1 Navy Frost - Dress Blues
- 2 Navy Frost - Golden Brown
- 3 Navy Frost - Mock Orange
- 1 Navy Frost - Monument
- 2 Navy Frost - Papyrus
- 1 Navy Frost - Strike Orange
- 1 Navy Frost - White
- 1 Octane Black - Monument
- 1 Octane Heliotrope - White
- 1 Octane Winter Moss - Redrock
- 2 Olive
- 5 Orange
- 1 Papyrus - Golden Brown
- 1 Papyrus - Red Violet
- 1 Patriot Stealth Black
- 5 Petrol
- 1 Petrol - Asphalt
- 5 Petrol - Black
- 2 Petrol - Hi-Vis
- 6 Petrol - Knockout Pink
- 3 Petrol - Potter's Clay
- 1 Petrol - Slate Gray
- 9 Petrol - Strike Orange
- 1 Petrol - White
- 2 Petrol - Wintermint
- 1 Peyote
- 9 Peyote - Potter's Clay
- 3 Peyote Desert
- 2 Picante
- 1 Picante - Dress Blues
- 1 Picante - Moonstruck
- 2 Pink - Golden Poppy
- 1 Pinlock Lens Clear
- 5 Potter's Clay
- 1 Potter's Clay - Peyote
- 2 Punch Pink
- 1 Punch Pink - Asphalt
- 2 Punch Pink - Dress Blues
- 1 Punch Pink - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Purist - Winter Moss - Dark Sea
- 1 Purist Heliotrope - Black
- 1 Purist Stealth Black
- 1 Purist White - Monument
- 1 Purple
- 1 Purple Smoke - Black
- 1 Race Spec - Strike Orange
- 1 Rally Matte Black
- 3 Rally Metallic Bronze
- 3 Rally Striking Orange
- 4 Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Raspberry Radiance - Asphalt
- 1 Raspberry Radiance - Black
- 1 Raspberry Radiance - Golden Brown
- 1 Raspberry Radiance - Lavender Heist
- 1 Raspberry Radiance - Punch Pink
- 1 Ratchet Kit Black
- 3 Red
- 1 Red Orange
- 4 Red Orange - Cabernet
- 1 Red Orange - Deep Lagoon
- 1 Red Venture
- 2 Red Violet - Papyrus
- 4 Redrock
- 1 Redrock - Petrol
- 2 Royal Frost - Dress Blues
- 2 Royal Frost - Golden Brown
- 1 Royal Frost - Mock Orange
- 1 Royal Frost - Peyote
- 1 Royal Frost - White
- 3 SAGE
- 1 Sage - Hi-Vis
- 3 Sage - Strike Orange
- 1 Sienna Brown
- 1 Skyline Matte Black ECE/DOT
- 7 Slate Gray - Black
- 2 Slate Gray - Strike Orange
- 1 Snow White - Fiery Red
- 1 Snow White - Raspberry Radiance
- 1 Stark Asphalt Hi-Vis
- 44 Stealth Black
- 1 Steel Gray
- 2 Storm Gray
- 3 Strike Orange
- 1 Striker Carbon Gloss Black
- 1 Striker Petrol Orange
- 1 Striker Potter's Clay
- 1 Striker Redrock
- 7 Striking Petrol
- 3 Super Pink
- 4 Tahitian Teal
- 1 Tahitian Teal - Deep Lagoon
- 3 Tan
- 1 Tanner Brown
- 2 Teak
- 1 Teak - Petrol
- 1 Teak - Potter's Clay
- 1 Thrashed Asphalt - Hi-Vis
- 1 Thrashed Electric Blue Lemonade - Metallic Silver
- 1 Topo Potter's Clay
- 1 Transitions Face Shield Clear
- 1 Twoually - Black - Hi-Vis
- 1 Twoually - Monument - Strike Orange
- 1 Velocity Anthem
- 1 Velocity Black - Hi-Vis
- 3 Ventura Burnt Olive
- 3 Ventura Electric Blue
- 1 Visor Stop & Screws Black
- 1 Vivid Asphalt
- 2 Vivid Blue
- 2 Vivid Blue - Heliotrope
- 1 Vivid Gray
- 3 White
- 1 White - Deep Lagoon
- 1 White - Dress Blues
- 1 White - Mock Orange
- 1 White - Petrol
- 1 Wild - Chameleon
- 6 Winter Moss
- 1 Wintermint
- 3 Wisteria
- 3 Wisteria - Black
- 1 Wisteria - White
- 1 Wraith
- 1 Yellow and Black
Product Size +
- 1 106
- 1 110
- 5 30W x 30L
- 7 30W x 32L
- 3 31W x 32L
- 7 32W x 32L
- 7 32W x 34L
- 9 34W x 32L
- 8 34W x 34L
- 14 36W x 32L
- 7 36W x 34L
- 6 38W x 30L
- 7 38W x 32L
- 6 40W x 32L
- 1 114
- 310 2X
- 4 39 x 30
- 224 3X
- 1 42 x 32
- 16 4X
- 12 5X
- 331 LG
- 326 MD
- 16 Short 2X
- 10 Short 32
- 11 Short 34
- 8 Short 36
- 8 Short 38
- 3 Short 3X
- 29 Short LG
- 23 Short MD
- 16 Short SM
- 17 Short XL
- 4 Short XS
- 333 SM
- 2 Tall 12
- 10 Tall 2X
- 18 Tall 32
- 18 Tall 34
- 18 Tall 36
- 18 Tall 38
- 2 Tall 3X
- 1 Tall 4
- 3 Tall 6
- 3 Tall 8
- 20 Tall LG
- 15 Tall MD
- 1 Tall SM
- 15 Tall XL
- 3 Tall XS
- 323 XL
- 137 XS
- 4 2
- 6 4
- 4 5
- 9 6
- 13 7
- 17 8
- 12 9
- 17 10
- 12 11
- 15 12
- 10 13
- 14 14
- 3 15
- 1 22
- 1 24
- 3 26
- 2 27
Showing 1–16 of 518 results
Klim Accelerate Pullover
$119.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Accelerator Pullover Hoodie
$129.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adrenaline GTX Boot
$399.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adrenaline Pro S GTX BOA Boot
$539.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adventure GTX Boot
$599.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adventure GTX Short Glove
$239.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adventure Rally Jacket
$2,289.95 – $2,324.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adventure Rally Pant
$1,399.95 – $1,424.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Adventure Tri-blend Tee
$39.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aero Pro D3O L2 Elbow Pads (Set of 2)
$49.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aero Pro D3O L2 Hip Pads (Set of 2)
$39.95 Add to cart -
Klim Aero Pro D3O L2 Knee Pads (Set of 2)
$49.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aero Pro D3O L2 Shoulder Pads (Set of 2)
$44.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aggressor -1.0 Brief
$74.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aggressor -1.0 Knee Brace Sock
$54.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Klim Aggressor -1.0 Long Sleeve
$99.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page